Wednesday, May 3, 2023


I have had the hardest time with this set. For some reason I had it in my mind that it was from the Ukraine. I had to go back and check my records of purchases and found that it is actually from Poland, mailed to me directly from Krakow, Poland. I'm so glad I was able to find a record and to get it right. The little peg people are so cute. The shepherd is holding a lamb. All of the pieces are painted in great detail.




Given to me by my grandson, Brian Jones Jr. He was serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Brian was serving in Madrid, Spain when I asked him to buy me a Nativity. He sent me several pictures of sets that he found and asked me to choose one. I told him that I couldn't choose and would he choose one for me. This is the one he chose. I love it. He said the building in the background is a castle that is there, but I have a feeling it is a Basilica. A Basilica is a Catholic building similar to a cathedral given special acknowledgement by the Pope.


Tuesday, May 2, 2023



This Nativity is from Guatemala, but I purchased it in Washington DC at the gift shop at The Basilica of the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception. That's a long name, but it fits, being the largest basilica in North America. Samuel and I were in DC for a Native American conference. We were there for 5 days, and I didn't want to waste anytime, so I toured around by myself on the Monday and Tuesday that were conference days. I had a great missionary experience while there. I took a tour of the basilica. The guide asked if there was anyone there that was not Catholic, and I said that I was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We had a lovely tour that lasted an hour. When it was done, I walked back with the guide to the starting place which was by the gift shop. On the way, she started to say to me, "I understand The Church of Latter Day Saints..." I said, "We are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." She then continued, "Oh yes. Do you believe Jesus was a Prophet?" I responded something like this: "Oh no, we believe just as you do that He is the literal Son of God, that he was born of Mary, a Virgin, conceived through the Holy Spirit." She asked, "Well then, what is the difference in our religions?" I didn't really have time to get into all the differences, and I was at her house of worship and wanted to respect that. I said, "I don't think there are too many differences. Perhaps the biggest difference is that we believe when Jesus was talking to Peter about how Peter knew that Jesus was the Son of God, Jesus said 'It is upon this rock I will build my church.' We believe what Jesus was referring to as 'the rock' was revelation." She was very sweet and responded, "Oh, I can see that."   

Jesus referred himself as a Prophet and many other names, but I think that I answered her question the way it needed answering at the time. I long for missionary experiences and am grateful I said who I am when given the opportunity.


This is a postage stamp that I bought as a poster. I loved it so much and love that I could find a lovely image from a communist country, where the people are allowed to worship as Christians. I love the frame I found, and it matches it perfectly.
